Easy cultivation and increased yields
For easy of cultivation and increased yield, grow vegetables in raised beds filled with Soil³ compost. Keep scrolling to learn how raised beds reclaim, facilitate, conserve, and increase yield.
We have designed a convenient raised garden bed kit using Root Pouches to get you growing as easily as possible.
Read Brie Arthur’s article on Recycled Grow Bags for Backyard Veggies: A New Raised Bed Style

Looking for raised garden bed plans? Using a raised garden bed kit is an efficient way to get a great garden, no matter the landscape conditions. Reclaim otherwise un-gardenable areas such as low spots, high spots, and areas with inferior soils.
Raised vegetable garden beds create a compact growing area with close plant spacing. Also, the reduction of foot-traffic aisles (no long rows to walk between) increases your veggie-growing area and preserves soil from compaction. Additionally, the soil in raised beds warm up earlier in the spring so you can get an earlier start to the growing season!
Raised beds are higher off the ground making it easier to take care of them. How so? The height means less bending over and therefore it’s easier to plant, weed, and harvest.
The elevation of a raised vegetable garden bed improves drainage and oxygenation in heavy clay soils.
- Water Conservation: you’re watering a compact rectangle, not spread out rows. Raised beds are especially water efficient with drip irrigation. Keep pathways unwatered (and mulched to prevent weeds).
- Fertilizer conservation: the leveled box and level soil line prevent surface runoff of nutrients, therefore reducing fertilizer use and saving money. And when using nutrient-rich Soil3, you shouldn’t need to fertilize for up to four years anyway – we’ve tested growing vegetables in Soil3 for up to 4 years without additional fertilizer. We recommend topdressing with more Soil3 every planting season to topoff the volume.
Increase Yield
The yield of a 1 sq. ft. garden area is typically ½ pound of fresh produce. Our Raised Garden Kits are 8 sq. ft. Root Pouches, so that’s 4 lbs of fresh produce per season. Here in the South, we can get in at least 4 growing seasons a year, so that’s 16 lbs. of produce out of each Root Pouch in one year!
In-house discussion continues with agreement that in the South we can get in 4 growing seasons EASILY, and if you time everything just right, you can even get in 5 seasons. That’s a potential of 20 lbs. of produce in one Root Pouch in one year!